meow :3 meow :3 meow :3 meow :3 meow :3 meow :3 meow :3 meow :3 meow :3 meow :3 meow :3 meow :3

welcome to my nest!


this is where i will dump my brain and ramble! i want to try and continuously improve this, so be weary this may not look the same upon each visit. i love to learn and use new skills, and coding is one of them. i hope to one day have something pretty cohesive soooooo yea!!!! <3

i am primairly an artist, so this is very new for me. i am actually doing this because a few of my good friends mentioned it and it looked like a lot of fun. so far it is, and i hope to be able to make my own little portfolio site someday :3

i have a few diffrent ideas for this as well, and nothing is too set into stone. this is mostly for my own learning and for a new outlet.

i exist in many diffrent corners of the internet. if youre intrested in my art, here is my art instagram and maybe ill make a twitter. probably not but hey, maybe.